First due building fire in East Nottingham
By Union Watchdesk
May 2, 2024

At approximately 1600 hours the Union Fire Company No. 1 along with mutual aid companies from West Grove, Cochranville, Rising sun, and Longwood, were dispatched to a structure fire on the 600 block of Fifth Street in East Nottingham Township.

Engine 21-1 (Capt. Kane) responded with 5 members immediately after dispatch.

Assistant 21 (Kelley) responded and arrived establishing the 5th street command and found a large barn converted into a house with nothing showing.

Engine 21-1 arrived as the first due engine and laid a supply into the driveway. Engine 21-1’s crew deployed a 200' attack line to the side door of the structure. The crew was met with smoke throughout the first floor and basement of the structure and began to search for the source.

Tanker 21(Chief Engineer Obenchain) arrived preparing a sufficient water supply into Engine 21-1.

Ladder 21 (FF Maffei) Engine 21-2 (LT. Testa) and Engine 22-1 arrived and assisted with smoke ventilation and overhaul. Command placed the incident under control with crews working. The incident concluded around 1800 hours and all apparatus were placed back in service.

Special thanks to the Longwood Fire Co for covering our local while our members operated.

Units: Assistant 21 Engine 21-1 Engine 21-2 Tanker 21 Ladder 21 Ambulance 21-1 Ambulance 21-2 Union Fire Police
Mutual Aid: West Grove, Cochranville, Rising Sun, Longwood, Chester County Fire Marshals office